Student Opportunities

A woman stands at a podium.

Research groups

These groups give faculty and students with common interests a chance to collaborate, share ideas, and expand their research.

  • The Strategic Communication Research Lab is a Media School research group that supports faculty and graduate students in the pursuit and publication of research in strategic communication. Relevant fields include advertising, marketing, advocacy, development communication, communication management, and public relations.
  • IU Games Community is a collaborative, interdisciplinary network and information resource for scholars, critics, players, and makers to support the study of games while contributing to the robust community of games interest on campus and beyond.

12student-authored papers presented at the 2023 International Communication Association conference

7student-authored papers presented at the 2023 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference

10students shared their research at the 2023 Society for Cinema and Media Studies

Undergraduate Research Symposium

Nominated by faculty, undergraduate students are invited to share their research and be recognized for their outstanding scholarship. The event gives nominees the opportunity to share their work with The Media School community via poster presentations in a formal setting.

Student work

This is Your Brain on Media

Lexy Hatch, Paige DeFord, Xia Zheng, Esther Faniyan, and Jackson Naylor

Students in an Intensive Freshman Seminar class conducted a physiology study on how the rate of music affects ECG and skin conductance.

Watch the student experiment