
Course of study

Your two years in the program will look something like the chart shown below. Tailor your degree to your own interests with elective courses. (*Course fulfills concentration requirement.)

Sample course of study
Semester 1Semester 2Semester 3Semester 4
T505* Media Organizations T511* Research Methods in Audience Analysis Media School elective M699* Master's Capstone Project (6 credits)
T522* Managing the Creative Process Media School elective* Media School elective -
-External elective External elective -

Financial support for innovation

The Media School’s Kern Scholarship for Innovation in Journalism funds a graduate project each year that researches or experiments with new journalistic concepts, content and techniques. The award, funded by retired Chicago Tribune editor Gerould Kern and his wife, Jewell, was created for students interested in media management and innovation in journalism.

Read about a recent winning project
Two professionals chat during an interview.

Center for International Media Law and Policy Studies


The Center for International Media and Law and Policy Studies researches the legal protection of media rights in Indiana, the United States and the world. The center studies free expression rights, educates the public and develops opportunities for students. Its many activities include organizing and co-sponsoring seminars and events related to free expression and matching students with internships at press freedom organizations.

Visit CIMLAPS’s website


The world of media management is complex, and there’s no career template. With this flexible concentration, you’ll be ready to step into a management position when you graduate.

Explore media careers
Headshot of Ben Rabunski.

If you don’t ask, you don’t get. Never be afraid to ask for something you want.

Ben Rabunski, BAJ’07, director of client strategy at Amazon