Advisors are here to help! Your advisor can help you understand your graduation requirements, connect with campus resources, and make academic plans like adding a minor or spending a semester abroad. Media School students are assigned to the Media Advising Office, so you are always welcome to work with any media advisor no matter your major, minor, or certificate goals.
Academic advising for undergraduates
Contact an advisor
You can find the advisor office’s availability through the Student Appointment Scheduler or contact them via email at
Have a quick question? Talk to a peer coach
Peer coaches are current Media School students who work with our advising team to provide additional support to students. Peer coaches are available to help with schedule planning, course registration, and other quick questions about navigating your academic resources. Stop by the advising suite (Franklin Hall 006) during our drop-in hours:
- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Tuesday and Thursday: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
You can also contact our peer coach team at
How to meet with an advisor
Make an appointment with any advisor using the Student Appointment Scheduler. You may choose either a virtual or in-person appointment. You'll receive a confirmation email after scheduling your appointment with the location, Zoom link, or other instructions.
Have a quick question? We also offer virtual drop-in advising during the school year. You can find the schedule and Zoom link in the Student Appointment Scheduler.
Are you a freshman declaring your first major, or a current student interested in changing your major to one in The Media School? Learn how to enter The Media School.
Find answers online
Take a look at these important resources for academic planning: