In order to get credit for your internship, you must take an online internship course during the semester you complete your internship.
Enrollment in these courses is by application only. You are responsible for finding your own internship, and you must have an internship offer before applying for the course.
You will be charged tuition for internship course credits. During fall and spring semesters, the credits will be part of banded tuition for full-time students. They will be charged per credit hour during summer semester and for part-time students.
Which course should I apply for?
Earning credit for your internship is optional, with the exception of Semester in Los Angeles or Summer in London internships.
You can apply for one, two, or three credits. The more credits you choose, the more hours and coursework you will be required to complete in order to receive a Satisfactory (S) grade in the course.
Minimum work hour requirements vary by course:
X374: WIUX Internship: 45 work hours per credit hour
X375: IUSTV Internship: 45 work hours per credit hour
X376: IDS Internship: 45 work hours per credit hour
X377: NSJC Internship: 45 work hours per credit hour
X472: Media Internship: 45 work hours per credit hour
X474: Journalism Internship: 120 work hours per credit hour
X489: Arnolt Center Internship (undergraduate): 50 work hours per credit hour
J575: Arnolt Center Inernship (graduate): 50 work hours per credit hour
J592: Graduate Student Media Internship: 45 work hours per credit hour
While the course can be repeated with a different internship, you cannot exceed six total hours of X472 and/or X474 or six total hours of X374, X375, X376, and/or X377.
have earned at least 12 credits from The Media School prior to the start of the course. Direct admits are exempt from this requirement.
have not exceeded the maximum allowed credits of X472 and X474 (six).
To qualify for X374, X375, X376 and X377, you must:
be an active member of the organization.
be approved by the organization.
have not exceeded the maximum allowed credits of X374, X375, X376 and X377 (six).
In order for your internship to be eligible for credit, the experience must reflect the broad goals of your major or area of concentration. It must involve the planning, production, execution and/or analysis of media. Internships that consist solely of non-media roles, such as facilities operation, accounting or retail sales, are not eligible for internship credit.
It must also:
enhance your career development or offer the opportunity to apply knowledge you’ve gained in the classroom to real-world scenarios. It should not exist to simply advance the operations of the employer or replace the work that a regular employee would routinely perform.
help you earn skills and knowledge that are transferable to other employment settings.
occur during the same semester in which you are seeking credit. We can’t approve hours retroactively, so no work hours will be counted until your internship is approved.
If your proposed internship is with an organization where you have previously worked for internship credit, you must have a different supervisor, a different job title, a different job description and duties and a new set of learning objectives. You may not repeat the same internship with the same organization.
Your internship supervisor may not be an immediate or close family member (parent or sibling).
Internship structure requirements
In general, your internship must have a defined beginning and end.
You also need a written job description that outlines your projects, duties and/or responsibilities. Please ensure that your employer pays close attention to this requirement so that you can get credit.
Your internship must also:
have clearly defined learning objectives/goals related to your academic coursework or professional goals.
include supervision by a professional with expertise and educational and/or professional background in the field of the experience.
provide routine feedback from an experienced supervisor.
support your learning objectives/goals with resources, equipment and facilities provided by your host employer.
In addition to your internship work, the following must be completed satisfactorily to earn a passing grade.
Mid-semester survey: You'll receive this survey by email. This allows the instructor to touch base and see how things are going.
Supervisor evaluation: Your supervisor will receive this by email at the end of the semester.
Reflection paper: At the end of the semester, you must submit a paper that reflects on your work duties and your overall experience.
No. You must be enrolled in the internship course while you complete the internship to receive credit.
Yes. We recommend you coordinate with your Education Abroad advisor to identify programs that include internship placements. Once you have an internship confirmed in writing, please email to discuss whether your internship can qualify for X472 or X474.