Rao article wins Journal of Communication Inquiry award
![Dean James Shanahan presents Pallavi Rao with the Frances Wilhoit Research Paper Award. (Ann Schertz | The Media School)](https://data.mediaschool.indiana.edu/news-events/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2018/12/award-FWRPA-web.jpg)
Doctoral candidate Pallavi Rao won the annual award for Best Article from the Journal of Communication Inquiry for her article, “The Five-Point Indian: Caste, Masculinity, and English Language in the Paratexts of Chetan Bhagat.”
The essay explores Indian author Chetan Bhagat and his influence on English-language media. Rao argues that Bhagat’s persona on social media, in the news and in pop culture contributes to the operation of upper-caste masculinity in India. The article was published in JCI in January 2018.
Rao’s award will be announced at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Critical/Cultural Division meeting in Toronto in August.
Rao’s research, which was gathered as part of professor Radhika Parameswaran’s Gender and Media class in spring 2016, previously won The Media School’s Frances G. Wilhoit Research Paper Award and the Brantlinger-Naremore Prize for Best Graduate Essay in Cultural Studies.