Raquel Arias
Researching queer representation in cartoons

Raquel Arias, M.A. student
“I’m from Bogotá, Colombia, and am pursuing a master’s degree in media. I’m interested in researching queer representation in animated cartoons for children. I didn’t always have this interest, but I have two younger siblings, and I watch a lot of cartoons with them. Two of my favorites are 'Steven Universe' and 'Adventure Time.' With 'Steven Universe,' the show has this really interesting way of portraying gender fluidity, so I enjoy researching that.
I got my bachelor’s degree in sociology from Universidad Externado, but actually worked for two years as a content creator for two different companies. I created graphics, but then started creating more educational content. I worked for a company that helps immigrants going to Canada and immigrants who already live there. I never stopped researching, though, so that’s why I decided to come here. I think Indiana, and The Media School specifically, offers multiple ways to approach a degree. It offers a focus in research but also production and other creative areas.
Outside of class, I really like to sketch and watch different types of media. I actually have a YouTube channel where I submit video essays or analyze the way a celebrity is dressed and talk about what that tells us about how beauty has been constructed throughout history. It started as a way to spend my free time when I was really stressed writing papers. It helped me to put my ideas in simpler terms and then write my academic papers, but it’s really something that I do for myself.
After finishing my master’s program, I’d like to go back to work in the [media] industry in my country and then in four to five years pursue my PhD. I’d love to work as a professor someday while continuing to create content.”
Written By Erin Stafford
Photos By Jordan Venckus