Devin Good
Game and interactive media design

BS'19, previous director of technical art at Flyover Zone
"I was part of the guinea pig era.
Senior year, I started out with the game design intro courses — getting my feet wet. I really found enjoyment in the system's design that went into games. At the time, I was split on if I also wanted to do art. Then I found out you could do art in games, which was part of the program here. That was immediately my jam.
While working on getting my game design degree, I went through all the standard courses with it — all the way up to the workshop — when you publish a project when you’re done. You get a taste of every step of the process. You get to understand all the way from, ‘I have a piece of paper I cut up and this is all that exists of a digital game, and I want to understand this game and what makes this fun’ to a published project.
A lot of students say, 'I’m really good at doing the art, but I don’t know how it gets put into the game.’ IU students get that experience.
There are such tight-knit communities in such a large school. I went into the Media LLC like, ‘Hey, there’ll be some like-minded people nearby,’ and I ended up loving that experience. I was the president of the LLC and befriended everyone around and then came back and got to serve as an alumni advisor and meet the next generation coming through the program.
I got to go to the Mark Cuban Center and work as an intern there. The connections I had from the LLC, The Media School, and that internship formed this great bond with these people, which are the only reasons I have the jobs I have right now. The people I met through these programs became friends and then a network outside of school.
I oftentimes have students reach out to me on LinkedIn and say, ‘Hey, can we connect?’ and I will connect with them because they’ve taken the time to say, ‘Hi Devin, I’ve noticed you’ve been a part of this, I’d like to talk to you about this,’ and start a dialogue.”
Written By Ellie Albin
Photos By Michelle Rezsonya