Michael McGregor
Professor Emeritus
Contact Information
Michael A. McGregor, Professor Communication Science and Adjunct Professor of Law at Indiana University, received his B.A. in history from Purdue University and his J.D. from Georgetown University. He worked as staff attorney at the Cable Television Information Center of The Urban Institute and as Attorney/Advisor in the Mass Media Bureau of the Federal Communications Commission. His teaching interests include electronic media law and policy courses and introductory telecommunications courses. He was co-author on three editions of Broadcasting in America, one of the most popular introductory electronic media texts in the country. His research focuses on telecommunications policy making, the effects of policy decisions, and e-government. Michael’s research has been published in Journalism and Communication Monographs, Federal Communications Law Journal, COMM/ENT Law Journal, Journalism Quarterly, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Government Information Quarterly, Telecommunications Policy, and Communication Law & Policy. Mike’s hobbies include acting, singing, playing his guitar, and snorkeling.