

Moon, Peifer examine partisanship and mainstream news media use during COVID-19

Headshot of Junghyun Moon and Jason Peifer.

July 18, 2024

Their study looks at how people’s information-seeking behaviors can be understood in relation to partisanship.

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Student success and opportunity

Lecturer Mike Wells bridged the gap between the classroom and the real-world by creating a course for passionate reporters to gain hands-on experience at the 2024 NBA All-Star Game in Indianapolis.

Real-world experience

Transformative research and creativity

Assistant professor Lisa Lenoir's research lab focuses on conducting trend studies on pop culture and entertainment news — from the Super Bowl to the Grammys to Taylor Swift and the Academy Awards, Lenoir is legitimizing the discipline of fashion communication research.

Legitimizing new research

Service to our state and beyond

The Media School's recently announced extended reality lab will create graduate programs in kinetic imagery and extended reality in addition to allowing faculty and graduate students in existing programs to use the space.

The KIX Lab