Mike Gruszczynski
Associate Professor
Contact Information
Research and Creative Interests
- Political Communication
- Public opinion
- Research Methods
Mike Gruszczynski (PhD, Political Science, University of Nebraska, 2013) is an Associate Professor of Communication Science in The Media School at Indiana University. His research has been published in Public Opinion Quarterly, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Mass Communication and Society, Journalism and Communication Monographs, and Political Behavior, among others. His research is inclusive of political communication, political psychology, and research methodology, and focuses particularly on how changes in political and communication domains influence agenda-setting processes, framing effects, and journalistic decision-making.
View my CV here, and my Google Scholar profile here.
Recent publications:
- Comfort, Suzannah E., Mike Gruszczynski, and Nicholas Browning. 2024. “Building the Science News Agenda: The Permeability of Science Journalism to Public Relations.” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 101 (3), 637-656.
- Comfort, Ryan N., and Mike Gruszczynski. 2024. “Indigenous Biologists and Culture Frames: Effects on Stereotype Perceptions and Conservation Policy Support in Environmental News.” Science Communication.
- Hunt, Kate, and Mike Gruszczynski. 2024. “‘Horizontal’ Two-Step Flow: The Role of Opinion Leaders in Directing Attention to Social Movements in Decentralized Information Environments.” Mass Communication and Society 27 (2), 230-253.
- Gruszczynski, Mike, Danielle K. Brown, Haley Pierce, and M>Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 100 (3), 498-528.
- Geiger, Nathaniel, Mike Gruszczynski, and Janet Swim. 2022. “Political Psychology and the Climate Crisis.” Forthcoming chapter in Cambridge Handbook of Political Psychology.
- Gruszczynski, Mike. 2020. “How Media Storms and Topic Diversity Influence Agenda Fragmentation.” International Journal of Communication.
- Geiger, Nathaniel, Michael H. Pasek, Mike Gruszczynski, Nathaniel J. Ratcliff, and Kevin S. Weaver. 2020. “Political Ingroup Conformity and Pro-Environmental Behavior: Evaluating the Evidence from a Survey and Mousetracking Experiments.” Journal of Environmental Psychology 72, 101524.
- Comfort, Suzannah Evans, Edson Tandoc, and Mike Gruszczynski. 2020. “Who is heard in climate change journalism? Sourcing patterns in climate change news in China, India, Singapore, and Thailand.” Climactic Change.
- Friesen, Amanda, Mike Gruszczynski, Kevin B. Smith, and John R. Alford. 2020. “Political Orientations Vary with Detection of Androstenone.” Politics and the Life Sciences.
- Gruszczynski, Mike. 2019. “Evidence of Partisan Agenda Fragmentation in the American Public, 1959-2015.” Public Opinion Quarterly.
- Hunt, Kate, and Mike Gruszczynski. 2019. “The Influence of New and Traditional Media Coverage on Public Attention to Social Movements: The Case of the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests.” Information, Communication, and Society.
- Wagner, Michael W., and Mike Gruszczynski. 2018. “Who Gets Covered? Ideological Extremity and News Coverage of Members of the U.S. Congress.” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 95(3): 670-690.
- Gruszczynski, Mike, and Michael W. Wagner. 2017. “Information Flow in the 21st Century: The Theory of Agenda-Update.” Mass Communication and Society, 20(3): 378-402.