Kristin Wells
PhD Student | Adjunct Instructor and Graduate Assistant
Contact Information
Research and Creative Interests
- Sports Media
- Social Movements
- News Media and Politics
- Public activism
- journalism history
- media history
- Media Historiography
- Sports and Race
- Documentary
- Sport documentary
Kristin Wells is a first year PhD student, and received her MA degree from the Media School at IU with a thesis titled “Sport Documentary, Historiography, and the Collegiate Athletic Protest.”
Her research interests broadly revolve around the role of sport and media cultures as they intersect with social movements, with a particular focus on media history, historiography, collegiate athletics, and sport documentary. She works with the Media School Archive on digitizing and doing archival description on the Miley Collection, an expansive collection of sport broadcasts dating back to the 1920s.
She graduated from the University of Tulsa with Bachelor’s degrees in both Media Studies and Spanish. Her experience working in a newsroom, doing policy and advocacy in the nonprofit sector, and fostering a lifelong love of sports help inform her research.
Adjunct Instructor:
MSCH-B 330: Sports Media Literacy