Julia Fox
Associate Professor
Contact Information
Julia R. Fox joined IU 2000. Also Cognitive Science core faculty member. Ph.D. in Communication from Cornell University (1999), MPS in Communication from Cornell University (1991), BS in Communication Arts from Cornell University (1983). Research interests: using motivated cognition theories to examine how people process and remember mediated messages and to guide examinations of message content, particularly television news and humor. Most recent studies have examined comedic news programs as sources of political information. Publications in Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Communication Research, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, and Human Communication Research. Serves on the editorial board of Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media. Courses taught include Politics and the Media, Comedic News, Media Processes and Effects, Media History, and Audience Analysis. Industry experience: on-air and management broadcast news positions, including stringer reporting for CNN, CBS, and UPI.