Anya Vijayvergiya
The direction of her communication career

Anya Vijayvergiya, Media School senior
“I’m from Atlanta, Georgia. I'm a senior here now, and my major is media advertising and my minor is in business. I honestly didn't originally know that I wanted to do media. I started in business school, and I realized I kind of wanted to pursue a more creative aspect of business and incorporate my creative side with my more analytical side. So with that, I switched over to The Media School, and the rest was history.
Being a Media School ambassador would be the first position I've held at the Media School. Prior to this, I was an IFS (Intensive Freshman Seminar) program staff member. For that position, I organized events and led panels. I also worked with new students in their first two weeks before their official arrival on campus. So before my ambassador position, I held other leadership roles, but being an ambassador was my first Media School-related activity.
My interests have kind of shifted as I've learned more through different classes that I've taken. I originally thought I wanted to do advertising, but now I'm leaning more toward the communication side, just because I've learned that I really enjoy that interpersonal interaction that I get when I'm doing that kind of work.”
Written By Swarna Gowtham
Photos By Izzy Myszak