Wright, Lang and Weaver named top scientists by Stanford University Research
Based on a variety of citation metrics and research published between 1960 and 2021, Professor and Director of Communication Science Paul Wright and Distinguished Emeritus Professors Annie Lang and David Weaver have been listed as top scientists by a team of scholars led by a Stanford School of Medicine professor. In order to be listed, Wright, Lang and Weaver had to receive a percentile rank of 2% or higher in the field of Communication and Media Studies.
The database, published by Elsevier, provides standardized information on citations, h-index, co-authorship-adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions, and a composite indicator (c-score).
Other IU Bloomington faculty listed include Distinguished Professor and Dean of Public Health David Allison, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry Gary Hieftje, Distinguished Professor of Physics Jorge V. José, Distinguished Professor of Informatics and Computer Science Filippo Menczer and Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Chemistry Milos Novotny.