Grad students honored for research, teaching, service, creative work
Six Media School graduate students received Graduate Student Achievement Awards for outstanding work completed in 2019. Faculty members nominated students, and the winners will receive a monetary award.
Media School Graduate Service Award
Megan Connor, doctoral candidate
Nominated by professor Radhika Parameswaran
Media School Graduate Teaching Award
Xan Smith, doctoral student and associate instructor
Nominated by lecturer Tim Bell
Best journalism project
Violet Baron, master’s student, for “Small Farms and Community Markets Create Space for Revitalization”
Nominated by professor of practice Elaine Monaghan
Best creative project
Deonna Weatherly, master’s student, for her thesis film script “She Is”
Nominated by senior lecturer Craig Erpelding
Best research paper (from a graduate class)
Eugene Kim, master’s student, for “Predictors of Electronic-cigarette User’s Intention Not to Change Their Behavior”
Nominated by assistant professor Nick Browning
Best research project (independent study, thesis or dissertation)
Roshni Verghese, PhD’19, for her dissertation “Streaming Culture, (Re) viewing Femininity: Youth, Nation, and Popular Entertainment Shows”
Nominated by professor Radhika Parameswaran