Fargo appointed to the ACLU-IN board of directors

Associate professor Anthony Fargo was appointed by the board of directors of the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana to join the board for a three-year term starting in 2023.
The ACLU of Indiana is overseen by a board of directors that consists of 12 regional directors, nine at-large directors, and nine board-appointed directors. While on the board of directors, members are to meet three times a year to set policy, appoint the executive director, acquire and dispose of property, and engage in other activities consistent with the mission of the organization.
The ALCU is a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization dedicated to defending and protecting individual rights and personal freedoms. Founded in 1920 with the Indiana entity established in 1953, the ACLU works to protect and preserve “liberties that are guaranteed in the U.S. and Indiana Constitutions and civil rights laws.”