86 students receive Media School scholarships

The Media School awarded 86 students more than $300,000 in scholarships for the 2022-23 academic year at a ceremony Saturday with students, parents, donors, faculty and staff.

Also during the celebration, associate professor Nick Browning won the Gretchen A. Kemp Teaching Award, and 13 students were inducted into Kappa Tau Alpha, a national collegiate honor society that recognizes academic excellence and promotes scholarship in journalism and mass communication.
The scholarship recipients were:
Kara Acinapuro: Media School Alumni Scholarship
Jocelyn Aguilar: Ann and Marty Anderson Scholarship
Eleanor Albin: Robert Williamson Memorial Scholarship
Kirsten Ashby: Donald E. Agostino Memorial Scholarship
Emily Barkdull: John E. Ritter Scholarship
Mara Belansky: David E. and Ruth (Padget) Albright Writing Scholarship, John L. Fleming Scholarship and Ruth (Squibb) Chapman Scholarship Fund
Joseph Bell: Jack Sheehan Endowment Scholarship/Fellowship Fund and Rolland Johnson Award in Telecommunications Management
David Wolfe Bender: John Edward Bradley Memorial Scholarship and John Matthew Jackson Memorial Scholarship
Nicole Blevins: Ernie Pyle Scholarship
Natalie Bock: Eugene C. Pulliam Scholarship
Joshua Bode: Kenneth A. Beckley Scholarship
Lauren Booher: Jack Sheehan Endowment Scholarship/Fellowship Fund
Cashmere Booker: Douglas L. Freeland Public Relations Scholarship
Kristen Brzycki: Mark Ferree and Ruth Welborn Ferree Journalism Scholarship
Emma Callahan: Thomas and Margaret Hurwich Scholarship
Karen Cheng: Caine Family Scholarship
Salome Cloteaux: Donald Austin Scholarship, Jack Backer Scholarship and James and Susan (Bassett) Hetherington Scholarship
Matt Cohen: Frances Goins Wilhoit Research and Creative Activity Award — Best Undergraduate Creative Project
Ava Collins: Thomas and Margaret Hurwich Scholarship
Ryan Costello: Jack Scott Scholarship
Mallory Daunhauer: Frances Goins Wilhoit Research and Creative Activity Award — Best Undergraduate Creative Project
Mina Denny: Media School Alumni Scholarship

Caterina DeSantis: Caine Family Scholarship and Tom Hirons Scholarship
Elizabeth DeSantis: Bond Smith Sublette and A.J. and Bettie Smith Scholarship and Richard Grevel Sutherland Scholarship
Eve Elliott: Media School Alumni Scholarship
Patrick Felts: Mike Harris Scholarship
Amanda Foster: Richard E. Bishop Memorial Scholarship
Olivia Franklin: Ann and Marty Anderson Scholarship
Kelstin Galovic: Charles and Doris Vaughan Freedom of the Press Scholarship
Cameron Garber: Charles and Doris Vaughan Freedom of the Press Scholarship
Laura Gerber: George D. Newton Scholarship, Jan and Paul Abramowitz Scholarship and Louise (Hess) Miller Scholarship/Fellowship
Caroline Geib: Chris and Virginia (Mead) Savage Memorial Scholarship
Evan Gerike: Richard E. Bishop Memorial Scholarship
Swarna Gowtham: Mark Ferree and Ruth Welborn Ferree Journalism Scholarship and Sarah Bence Scholarship
Claire Graham: Justin M. Druck Scholarship
Maya Gray: Justin M. Druck Scholarship
Ashton Hackman: Fort Wayne Journal Gazette Scholarship/Fellowship and Ernie Pyle Scholarship
Sophia Hall: Ann and Marty Anderson Scholarship
Anya Heminger: Roy W. Howard Scholarship
Emma Herwehe: Jack Scott Scholarship and Richard Gray Scholarship
Henry Holloway: John F. McLeod Scholarship
Mia Holtzman: Caine Family Scholarship
Zoe Hugunin: Matthew J. Luedeman Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Journalism and Robert H. Enstad Scholarship
Natalie Ingalls: Charles F. Hardy Memorial Scholarship, Donald Austin Scholarship and Jack and Helen Fesko Scholarship
Clara Isaac: James E. and Anne (Echlin) Bright Scholarship
Braydyn Lents: Scott Powers Scholarship and Steve Guback Scholarship
Michelle Lie: Frances Goins Wilhoit Research and Creative Activity Award — Best Undergraduate Research Project
Alexis Lindenmayer: Gretchen A. Kemp Scholarship

Hannah Lorenzo: James E. Callaway Sr. Memorial Scholarship and Robert H. Enstad Scholarship
Julia Lostutter: Ann and Marty Anderson Scholarship
Hannah Madura: John E. Ritter Scholarship
Madelynn Maloy: G. Cleveland Wilhoit Scholarship and Nancy Weaver Teichert Scholarship in Journalism
Lauren McLaughlin: Charles and Nancy Teeple Business Writing Scholarship and Journalism Alumni Scholarship
Raghav Mehta: Donald Abbott Rushton Memorial Scholarship
Grace Miller: Frances Goins Wilhoit Research and Creative Activity Award – Best Undergraduate Research Project
Haley Miller: Robert R. and Mary (Pence) Cosner Scholarship and William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship

Mary Claire Molloy: Poynter/Tampa Bay Times Scholarship and Internship and Richard G. Gray Reporting Prize
Ethan Moore: Counts/Ahlhauser Scholarship and William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship
Kameryn Moore: Jack and Helen Fesko Scholarship
Isabella Myszak: Ann and Marty Anderson Scholarship, Edward Reinke Scholarship in Photojournalism, Lila Brady Scholarship, Linda (Nichols) Mayes Memorial Scholarship and Robin Fogel Avni Scholarship for Design
Kevin Mudavadi: Kern Award for Innovation in Journalism
Samantha Nance: Jack Scott Scholarship
Nicolas Napier: Nancy Weaver Teichert Scholarship in Journalism and Richard Grevel Sutherland Scholarship
Olivia Oliver: Richard Grevel Sutherland Scholarship and Steve and Becky (Gunden) Smith Scholarship
Arijit Paladhi: Frances Goins Wilhoit Research and Creative Activity Award – Best Graduate Research Project
Emma Pawlitz: Eugene C. Pulliam Scholarship and John F. McLeod Scholarship
Kelsey Pease: Justin M. Druck Scholarship and Ernie Pyle Scholarship
Jamie Porigow: Norvelle Scholarship in Telecommunications
Jacqueline Preston: Hollywood Hoosiers Scholarship
Eva Remijan-Toba: Mark Ferree and Ruth Welborn Ferree Journalism Scholarship
Ella Rhoades: Richard Grevel Sutherland Scholarship
Daniella Richardson: Ernie Pyle Scholarship
Veronica Rooney: Donald Abbott Rushton Memorial Scholarship and Jim Borse Student Radio Fund
Madison Rossillo: Jack Scott Scholarship
Haley Ryan: O’Bannon Journalism Scholarship, Patrick Siddons and Diane Siddons Indiana Daily Student Scholarship and William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship
Austin Rubin: Ernie Pyle Scholarship
Helen Rummel: Ralph L. Holsinger Scholarship and Timothy A. Franklin Scholarship
Audra Sapp: Jennifer Byrne Shull Scholarship
Marnie Sara: Dick Yoakam Broadcast Journalism Scholarship, Steve Guback Scholarship, Steve Guback Sports Journalism Scholarship
Taylor Satoski: Louise (Hess) Miller Scholarship/Fellowship and Tom Green Scholarship
Sophia Suter: Jack Scott Scholarship
Molly Sawyer: Media School Alumni Scholarship
Nadia Scharf: Dick and Louise Johnson Foundation Journalism Scholarship
Martin Schauss: Steve Guback Sports Journalism Scholarship
Sasha Sears: Joseph A. Berman Scholarship and Carolyn (Lucas) Tufford Journalism Scholarship
Alexandra Sulewski: Gretchen A. Kemp Scholarship
Erin Stafford: Patricia Beach Smith Scholarship and Tom Green Scholarship
Ava Staph: John Johnson Wheeler Scholarship

Shobha SV: Kern Award for Innovation in Journalism
Jocelyn Sweeney: Lewis B. Edwards Journalism Scholarship
Tyler Tachman: Steve Guback Scholarship and Terry Hutchens Memorial Scholarship
Carson TerBush: Frances Goins Wilhoit Research and Creative Activity Award – Best Undergraduate Creative Project
Amanda Tinkle: Jennifer Byrne Shull Scholarship
Lauren Ulrich: Lewis B. Edwards Journalism Scholarship, Lila Brady Scholarship and Space Family Voss Science Communication Scholarship
Lyndsay Valadez: David L. Adams Scholarship and Peter Jacobi Scholarship
Liam Walsh: LeRoy Bannerman Award in Innovative Audio
Raegan Walsh: Philip Ward Burton Advertising Scholarship
Emma Watson: Richard E. Bishop Memorial Scholarship
Abby Welch: Paul E. Tucker Memorial Scholarship
Lauren Winnefeld: Donald Austin Scholarship and Roy W. Howard Scholarship
Riley Woodall: Donald Abbott Rushton Memorial Scholarship and Paul E. Tucker Memorial Scholarship
Megan Zacharias: Aileen Snoddy Scholarship and Joseph L. Melzer Journalism Scholarship

- Angela Apicella
- Anna Black
- Salome Cloteaux
- Annie Cumming
- Lily Friedrich
- Rachel Hammes
- Mary Claire Molloy
- Ella Rhoades
- Hannah Singer
- Carson Terbush
- Kayla Thompson
- Zoe Verteramo
- Wei Wang