Hoosier National Forest PSA
A silver car is shown parked in the grass of the Hoosier National Forest.
Text messages appear going back and forth across the screen:
“Did you really just park on my front lawn?”
“Yeah the driveway was full and the only other parking was far away and I didn’t want to walk”
“My dad is going to freak out” “The lawn is going to be so messed up now you need to go fix it before he gets home and sees”
A reminder message pops up on the screen: “Reminder: Treat Hoosier National Forest like it’s your home. Park in the designated areas.”
An information page about Hoosier National Forest is shown. It says:
Visit www.LNT.org or call 800-332-4100 for more helpful information and ways to plan a trip.
Charlotte Rosenbloom, BA’20, and Tatom O’Donnell, BA’20, created this advertisement in professor of practice William Schwab‘s Advertising Portfolio Workshop class.
The ad encourages people to take care of the Hoosier National Forest and to park only in designated areas.